I’m having a disappointingly quiet couple of design months, so to keep things motivating I am re-looking at newsletters and blog posts and GDPR (dull dull dull) and according to MailChimp, my email provider, there are 21 lovely people who follow or recieve the blog via email every time I post. REALLY?!
So lovely people are you reading? or have I been assigned to the junk mail box?
I’m late to the GDPR party because I didn’t think there were any subscribers, so if you are still reading this please accept my apologies. There should be action in the next 2 weeks to rectify the situation!
If you are reading this then what would you like me to blog about?I’m about to start another phase of writing and as yet haven’t fixed the topics. Is there anything you’re burning to know about us as a business or me as a designer and plant lover?
Post your comments below, there may well be a rather nice freebie winging it’s way to one of the commenters…if we get any!