I hope your February was as busy as mine? pruning Wisteria, completing winter prunes on the Apple and Pear family, including quinces there. Chopping back herbaceous perennials that withstood the winter weather. Asters, hardy Fuschia, ornamental grasses, taking a weeping Caryopteris back to the bone, Ceratostigma to the ground, tidying the Helleborus orientalis leaves, I…
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2012 skids to a close
It’s been a roller coaster of a year 2012 though on the whole as many ups as downs. It started brilliantly well and sort of coasted in a bit from there. 6 weeks between posts is long even by our standards but December has been busy, mostly thwarted by rain and wind and then of…
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A bit more on being waterwise. Cardboard Mulch. I love it. I first came across it watch Alys Fowler’s You Tube segments on her allotment. She referred to it at some point as similar to making a lasagne but a mulchy version. What a great visual that has been. After scavenging any piece of cardboard from…
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Wandering along the local riverbank at the crack of a sparrows the other morning I noticed, how could I fail to!, the deep blankets of, well, of blanket weed coating the weir and the catchment pond below. Blanket Weed, or Spirogyra adnate to give it it’s official title, is one of the most prolific aquatic weeds…
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