Whilst I had imagined, somewhat naively it turns out, that I could make a living immediately from garden design, the reality is that this might take some time to come to fruition.
Not wanting to wait around for this nirvana to occur I have set about adding to my ‘streams of income’ as a means to, well to add income and also to broaden my ‘routes to market’.
Plant and garden photography is one obviously although it is taking somewhat longer to get off the ground than originally anticipated, 20k images but apparently not at the right size for an image bank. DIScovering this I spalshed out on a fabulous new camera the Nikon D700 which has recently been replaced by the Nikon D750 Digital SLR Camera with 24-85 mm Lens Kit (24.3 MP) 3.2 inch Tilt-Screen LCD with Wi-Fi I remain determined to flood the stock images market with wonderful shots.
Another slightly less obvious but nevertheless desired stream is writing. I can write. I like to write. I have opinions and I like to express them. * awaits groans from friends who know this fact well. I recently applied to review books for the SGD Garden Journal
mostly for the experience, to be published and of course, the gratis design and plant related books! There speaks the book-aholic who has acquired some 5 bookshelves of ‘reference’ books in the course of 2 years of study. On another note I have started writing for The Guardian gardens section on an ad hoc basis.
Whilst I gen up and skill on my construction and swimming pool design and build skills I have one eye on the self employed wing of Rosewarne Gardens it can only grow. Wish me luck and point any killer opportunities my way!