I am certain many gardeners are staring with trepidation at the weather forecast every evening as the Spring reverts to ‘normal’. WHY? well snow, snow, snow and the dread frost.
In 2010 I planted a Reine Claude Green Gage which is a green plum variety, one of the most common and delicious when ripe. Slightly smaller and rounder than the usual purple plum more like a green Mirabelle and just as sweet. Anyway in the warm days of the last two weeks it has burst into flower all 5 stems COVERED in translucent white blossom.
YUM I thought lots of fruit this year – last year, it’s first year, I assiduously stripped it of flowers to stop it fruiting and put all energies into rooting and establishing.
So if it snows or we have a heavy frost and the fruit has not set…well no fruit, or not much will come later. Very disappointing.
I have a box of old net curtains and some tatty horticultural fleece at the ready and if snow moves this far south, well I have access to a chunk or two of straw!
Next doors apple has sensibly NOT flowered yet.