It’s usually May that’s my busy month with Iris but this year it’s all been a bit delayed with a sudden cold snap and then the winds and then the next cold snap and, well you get the picture.
Happily my lovely collection of Iris have managed to flower really well this year, taking advantage of the hot sunny days in between the cold and wind I suspect.
The collection is about 6 years old and so far it’s been a struggle to keep up with the weeds, well the weeding. Last year I gave up on the Scarlet Pimpernel (Anagallis arvensis), which I knew was a mistake because this year it is 10 times worse BUT this year I am a weeding Demon. There are several reasons for this mainly shame. Shame at showing off the plot and The Iris to folk, and this year we (the plot and I) have visitors, quite a few of them. So shame it is that is driving me to weed like a mad woman before The Pimpernel flowers or more importantly, sets seed. 8 beds are Pimpernel free with 2 to go. The two longest and worst affected but tomorrow is the day.
The Iris have had a good year, winning a trophy in April and several classes in May, all at British Iris Society shows, so in quite heady company. Tomorrow the RHS Herbarium team are coming to ‘bag and tag’ them for posterity and the herbarium annals. It’s been a tiny bit stressful given the weather. The Iris can be fickle or stalwart, as with anything planty it’s all pretty arbitrary as to which one they will be. Thankfully this year even with the wild weather they have been stalwart, even showing off. I think they know their being recorded for posterity! I have 60 odd MTB cultivars (Geek, moi?!) the Herbarium have only 5 of them, so they’re coming to us. I’ve also got about 30 other species/cultivars which I didn’t mention. I am excited to see what they will do. I will probably be posting about it.
Also this year, there will be a big divide. I have freed up a new space and there will be much rearranging and chopping into pieces. I have good, charitable homes for a large chunk of the divided and am also planning a giveaway competition or three, to spread them a bit further and wider and last of all I am sending some to a lovely British Flower grower to see if they fall in love with them as much as I have.