I know it’s not what one would usually expect to see on a garden design and gardening blog but behind the scenes this last couple of weeks I have been following a challenge with Problogger to improve my blog and blogging, as well as battling with the MailChimp widget to show the emails subscribe button.
Mail Chimp is an email management system that allows me to collect subscribers, automatically advise of new blog posts and at some point will also manage the Quarterly Newsletter. MailChimp apparently doesn’t like WordPress and likes Pagelines, my website Theme, even less. This results in a SUBSCRIBE button that’s pale grey with white text on top and no amount of begging to Mailchimp, WordPress or Pagelines has fathomed a fix.
This delicate colour scheme makes the button all but invisible, which is why, Dear Reader, I am certain, that you haven’t yet signed up for this service!
On the Problogger challenge side today is ‘call to action day’. I usually ask for comments below but today I am asking you to hit the SUBSCRIBE button, in all it’s pale grey and white glory and subscribe to my blog. Almost top right hand corner of the page. Or if you prefer the RSS button very top right hand corner.
Inspired by these daily challenges I will be sharing more regularly on a wide variety of topics across garden design, garden visiting, gardening how to’s and really all sorts of topics, you could even request a topic, I could research answers for you. Now here’s a thought for the next call to action!